Kid Chameleon Wiki
Block mushroom


Mushroom blocks are a kind of block found in Kid Chameleon. They look somewhat like fungus crystals growing upward, but their exact appearance eludes description.


Mushrooms blocks behave much like solid ground, until they are hit from below. Then, one of two things will happen:

  1. If any of the three spaces above is free, the mushroom block will sprout new mushroom blocks in all those positions.
  2. If none of the three spaces above is free, the mushroom block will wither and disappear.

This makes it possible to build stairs or similar to reach higher spots, but this is rather rarely seen in the Kid Chameleon levels.

Mushroom blocks can actually be destroyed, and that is if they're hit by bullets from shooter blocks or icicles from ice blocks . It's interesting because their destroy frame sequence is the same as the rock block destroy sequence, even though the two blocks look nothing alike.


Ice God's Vengeance-mushroom bug

The mushroom block directly above the player has just been hit.

Mushroom blocks appear to be coded so that they'll only expand into areas that do not contain any terrain. This can sometimes lead to mushroom blocks mysteriously not appearing in the 1-block column next to a wall, as some walls have a very narrow strip of non-solid terrain along their edges, which gives them a more weathered appearance. These blocks do contain terrain, but look empty. This can be abused in Ice God's Vengeance to allow you to take a shortcut through the mushroom block maze.

Kid Chameleon blocks
Prize block | Rock block | Steel block | Ice block | Rubber block | Evanescent block | Shooter block | Shifting block | Mushroom block | Ghost block | Drill block | Elevator block | Invisible blocks